Saturday, May 14, 2016


Day 4

Today was weird. Life is weird, but today made little sense.

The day started at what I would consider its peak with John, Cole, Hamilton and I getting tickets to the premiere of Agassi, The Handmaiden. The film was great. It was three-parted and almost three hours long, but it went fast. Japanese film has always interested me, because of the characters' overplayed expressions. The movie was also quite funny, and visually stunning.

Unfortunately, Agassi, The Handmaiden was the only movie I got to watch today. This was due to a series of awful things happening to me that can only be described as the universe hating me.

I came back to Juan after the premiere to shower and eat lunch. I caught a train around 2:00 to go back into Cannes. Before I got off the train at Cannes, I realized that I left my badge on the kitchen counter. I knew a train was going to be going back to Juan about a minute after mine got to Cannes. As I was trying to rush out of the door, a man pushed me out of the train and my European cell phone went flying out of my hands into the train tracks to be crushed just like my heart.

Communicating with people without a medium of communication is truly difficult. I knew some people going to see the student at 5:00 so I planned on doing that, but I couldn't get in.

My day ended with me gobbling chicken wings at an Irish pub with John and going home to sleep away the pain.

Tomorrow's a new day though, and damn is it looking good.

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