Saturday, May 14, 2016

When Lesbians Attack

Day 3

In the morning, the class met to watch Force of Destiny. The director is our professor's friend and we had the chance to have a small Q&A with the lead actress after. The film is about a man's journey through a surprising liver cancer diagnosis, and the process of waiting for/and receiving a liver transplant. All I could think was, "Faramir is an artist?!" (Lord of the Rings fans will get that. David Wenham is the lead actor.) In all seriousness, the film is interesting as it reflects Paul, the director, and his reality with this battle and falling in love.

We went to the AmPav for lunch, and then split up to see different films. I chose to go see Always Shining, a Sundance favorite this year. The film features two friends, both actresses, who battle it out in the woods. It was an unexpectedly great movie. The plot line keeps you interested, and while there is an apex moment in the woods, the film then plays backwards in a way but with the two women's roles reversed. It leaves the audience shocked, curious and dying to see the film again to make sense of it all. The cinematography was great, but I personally loved the score the most. It had the sensibility of an indie film, but with serious scenes filled with terror and suspense. You don't know who you're rooting for and it ever changes during your time watching the movie.

We then came back to change and go out. It seemed everyone was going to the Majestic, which made no sense to me. What kind of experience is that? Going to a place riddled with people highly more interesting and accomplished than yourself and only sticking to the people you came here with. Therefore, Hamilton and I travelled down the street to the Grand Hotel.

We met an interesting group of English producers and actors. One actress persistently attempted to woo me with kisses and drinks (I'm straight). The climax to our conversation came when she whispered in my ear that she much more enjoys bringing a woman than a man to orgasm. I winced through the pain and fled the scene shortly after.

On our way home, I got a call from my best friend, Clara. Her younger sister suffers from dwarfism and the physical challenges that come with it. She was diagnosed this week with bone cancer. My emotions engulfed my world and I cried unapologetically in the street. Here I am, a pretty sh*tty person healthy and living my dreams in France, while this incredibly kind girl is hit heart-shattering news.

While I thoroughly enjoyed the films I saw yesterday, the best moment of the day was when I realized that in less than I week I had made friends that I could breakdown in front of and pick me up off my knees. Hamilton treated me with such kindness last night, I will never forget it.

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