Monday, May 16, 2016

Ain't No Party Like a Gay Film Party

Day 5

Today I was determined to rise like a phoenix from the ashes after my strange Saturday. John, Katie and I set out to see The Student at 9:15. After hearing about its pyscho-religious, freaky plot line what could be an better way to start your day! 

As we approached the Palais around 8:20, we saw that the premiere for From the Land of the Moon was relatively empty. This was a film I really wanted to see, but expected it to be impossible to get into after its Oscar buzz.  We walked through the last minute line and into one of the best films I've seen yet. From the Land of the Moon was simply beautiful. Stay tuned for a review on a sexual, complicated, human film.

We had a fun breakfast at the AmPav then met up with a crew to see Clash. The film focused on a story of the Egyptian revolution told within the confines of a prisoner truck. The tensions between opposing protestors show viewers the beliefs behind the two parties' systems and hatred for the other. But also within the truck, the audience sees the basic human act of loving those that you are with. I loved the idea of the film, and cinematography was executed at a highly professionally level. The movie is informative and entertaining. 

After Clash we changed into gowns to beg for tickets to American Honey. 'Twas unsuccessful. Instead we shopped for a little, and then went and got rosé at a wine bar until setting out to beg for The Nice Guys. I really wanted to get into this premiere because it just seemed like a fun movie with A list movie stars. It was going poorly, then Patrick managed an extra ticket!

The movie was hilarious due to the performances of leading men Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe. The plotline was odd to keep up with, but had such rewarding humor and pleasantly cliché action scenes. 

After the film, we attended some of the queer party at the AmPav, but ultimately traveled back to Juan. I am worried about our group's lack of desire to take advantage of where we are and go out. I want late nights on the beach with cool people. 

Maybe I can rally a crew to celebrate our final week :)

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